b'Caroline generously shared some examples of The baby board not only provides a mechanismTribal-Based Practice implementation that she for safety through keeping a baby on his back,was a part of through her work. In the 1990s, preventing him from possible danger, but alsoCaroline was a member of the State Fatality serves as a way through which a new parent canTask Force in Oregon. The team had concerns connect in meaningful and playful ways with theirwith an increase in sudden infant death child. Bonding with ones baby is important forsyndrome (SIDS) in the state of Oregon. the childs growth and mental wellbeing. WeCaroline also noticed that Warm Springs had a reduced SIDS by returning to the baby board,high rate of SIDS. Caroline explained, we had Caroline shared, we did a ten-year study andto review the deaths under 18 to note and did a comparison with those who were taught theclassify them as neglect, abuse, or no proper way of putting the baby on the boardfindings . It was our task as a State Fatality [and] reduced SIDS to almost zero. team to propose prevention strategies if wesaw a trend of deaths that could be More recently, during her time working for theprevented. The State Fatality Team did their Oregon Department of Human Services, Carolineresearch and discovered that babies need to shared the story of a call she received from thebe placed on their backs the first year of their finance department asking about expenditureslives to reduce SIDS.with the Burns Paiute Tribe on drum-makingclasses. Caroline offered this call as evidence ofI remember sitting with Warm Springs the challenges that many communities face inPrevention program around 1994 and thinkingimplementing Tribal-based practices. The drumhow come, on our reservation, we no longer is the outcome; the dynamics to get to that drumpracticed making baby boards? With this is the focus and what youre not seeing, Carolinepractice, babies would be placed on their recalled telling the state finance department.backs, correct? Caroline shared the research She continued, Youre bringing the teachersand approved funds for Warm Springs from the community, the Elders, to pass on aPrevention to include baby board classes as a traditional teaching. The fact that theyrepart of maternal/child health after finding spending time with Elders is allowing them toteachers (Elders) who were willing to return to learn steps, concepts theyll use in life. Carolinetraditional ways. The classes provided parents emphasized the importance of thatwith not only the basic information about how intergenerational connection and celebrationto put the infant on the board (on his back) for through the program. It is an intergenerationalthe first year, but also why this was an upheld program, connecting youth with elders, learningtradition. As Caroline recalled, the teacher respect and connections. The pride of the youthshowed me that when youre unlacing the baby completing the drum is a skill they can develop inboard, youre touching the baby, you have eye life to finish things they have started, having acontact with the baby. And who could not want time to bring community together so the youthto start cooing around the baby once he is can perform their songs and playing their drums.looking at you?This is recognition and creates bonding to their7'