b'News Flash! TYRC Young Leader SamSchimmel Part of TeamWorking to Include AlaskaNatives and American Indians inAMBER Alert System Resolutions passed by the ABA, reflectingthe organizations stance on social andlegal issues, can have a significant impacton guiding the development of, educationaround, and advocacy for passing law andchanging policy. Among other examples ofABA influence, the ABA Resolution 301,Violence Against Women Act and SimilarPictured Above: Sam Schimmel Legislation, urging Congress to strengthentribal jurisdiction to address violence onAt the American Bar Association (ABA) mid- tribal lands that are committed by non-year meeting, the House of Delegates passed Indian perpetrators who have specific ties toResolution 504 to recognize the need to the tribe, played a significant role inenhance the AMBER Alert system to protect influencing the landmark Violence Againstand support Alaska Natives and American Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 toIndians. Resolution 504 urges federal, state, strengthen Tribal jurisdiction in this area.[1]local, territorial, and Tribal governments to The Tribal Youth Resource Center Newsletterensure that the AMBER Alert system is team had the privilege of speaking withapplied not just to minors, but to any Alaska Tribal Youth Resource Center Young LeaderNatives and American Indians (AI/AN) (even Sam Schimmel (St. Lawrence Island Siberianover the age of 18) who are reported missing, Yupik and Kenaitze Indian) who was andabducted, or in potential danger. The remains involved in the creation, movement,application the resolution would include a and passing of Resolution 504. There was anotification of the report to be displayed to lot of work behind the scenes before thisall individuals within the state or 100 miles of was brought forward to the American Barthe boundary of the states network, and Association, he noted, it is a continuationwould push for the U.S. Department of of work that started almost two years ago. Justice to hire regional Tribal AMBER AlertCoordinators to facilitate the reporting and [1] Native-American-Concerns-ABA-Policies.pdfcommunicate with law enforcement.(nativeamericanbar.org)22'