b'The Healing of the CanoeThe revitalization of our spiritual, cultural,traditional, and language practices and One heart, one mindteachings for our Native youth has been high goes beyond thepriority for our tribal communities (Tribes, canoe. Nations, Villages, Pueblos and Bands). The -Elder MuckleshootHealing of the Canoe (HOC) program is one Tribal Member of the practices and teachings to reacquaintour Native youth with the understanding of whothey are and where they come from the Photo (Above): Erikawater, the land, the elements and to honor Schultz, The Seattlethe warriors of the past and present.The TimesSuquamish Tribe, Port Gamble Sklallam, and (Left): Alex Garland,South Seattle Emeraldthe University of Washington Alcohol and DrugAbuse Institute began the journey to revitalizethe medicine of the canoe by developing theHOC curriculum, which embodies ancestral This culturally relevant curriculum provides lifeteachings of the four seasons.skills that navigate Native youth away fromnegative influences, emotions, stress, anxiety,In 1989, before development of the HOC and depression. Instead, youth are engaged incurriculum, pacific northwest coastal Tribes their culture, traditions, and values that assist inbegan revitalization of the Canoe Journey to preventing substance use and suicide. To date,Seattle, organized by Emmett Oliver (Quinault), the impact for Native youth, their families, andan educator, advocate policy maker, and U.S. their communities has been tremendous.Coast Guard Officer. This was the first Suquamish Tribe, where the HOC is housed, hasintertribal Paddle to Seattle Canoe Journey in served 51 tribes and 21 tribal organizations in100 years and garnered participation from adapting and implementing the curriculum. Thetwenty Tribes, launching from various points HOC curriculums metaphor of the canoeacross the northwest region. Just over three journey, to be focused on the journey of life,decades later, over 100 canoe families recently offers communities a beautiful example of theparticipated in the 2023 Paddle to potential for impact when Tribal-BasedMuckleshoot landing with over 1,000 individuals practices are revitalized and reaffirmed.greeting the canoe families. For more information, please visitThe revitalization of the Canoe Journey has https://healingofthecanoe.org/, reach out to yourallowed the HOC curriculum to flourish among TYRC Technical Assistance Specialist, or contacttribes as far as Alaska down to California, and the Tribal Youth Resource Center atthe practice continues to grow.TribalYouth@TLPI.org. Learn More: Healing of the Canoe Curriculum Eight Generation: What is Canoe Journey? Smoke Signalz Independent Tribal Media: Watchlist: A History of the Muckleshoot Canoe Journey 12'