b'Indigenous Ways of Knowing -Tribal-Based PracticesFrom time immemorial, IndigenousPeoples, Nations, Villages, and Puebloshave been rooted to these sacred lands -our traditional homelands - Turtle Island.These lands, waters, and ways of beingcontinue to nurture and sustainIndigenous peoples and provide the wayforward. We continue to grow from,We continue to learn from,We continue to honor,We continue to learn fromAll living elements of grandmother earthfrom the eastern shores - to the southernshores - to the western shores - to theland renamed Canada. The Tribal Youth Resource Center salutesand honors the wisdom keepers, theyouth, the advocates, activists, and thoseworking across NDN country to createand revitalize healing ways of being,programs, and services for the children,youth, adults, and for those who have notyet been born.1'