b'Youth Mental Health First AidCulturally Grounded Mental Health SupportMental Health First Aid originated in Australiaas a community approach to providing careand support for mental health and substancemisuse. MHFA teaches people how to identify,understand, and respond to signs of mentalillnesses and substance use disorders.Participants learn skills to reach out andprovide initial help and support to someonewho may be developing a mental health orsubstance use problem or experiencing a crisisand connect them to healing support. In 2008,the National Council for Mental Wellbeingbrought Mental Health First Aid to the United Pictured Above: Cortney YarholarStates. Today, their goal is to train one out ofevery 15 people in America in MHFA, ensuring To ensure fidelity, the YMHFA for Indigenousthat everyone has a close friend they can turn communities does follow a curriculum thatto when experiencing a mental health or reinforces an increase in mental healthsubstance use challenge. literacy. The slides, manuals, and materialsremain consistent. However, the trainer isAdult Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) courses encouraged to work with community membersteach adult learners how to assist fellow to adapt the training to reflect community andadults, while Youth MHFA courses teach adult cultural strengths. This may include identifyinglearners how to assist adolescents between community-specific, formal and informalthe ages of 12 and 18. These courses benefit resources such as natural helpers and culturalteachers, coaches, parents, mentors and any knowledge keepers and identifying additionaladult who works with youth. In these 7.5-hour local resources and supports. The community-courses, participants also learn a 5-step specific courses also take into accountprocess to intervene and help people access cultural values and understandings specific toculturally competent, appropriate care. To the community in which the course is beingreflect the diversity of our communities, the delivered. A culturally informed trainer willNational Council has adapted the training to take appropriate steps in preparation withinclude community specific courses. One of local community advisors to include communitywhich is the Youth Mental Health First Aid for specific and culturally strengths, stories andTribal Communities and Indigenous People.understandings. 15'