b'The research shows that art interventionimproves mood, helps isolated teens, andsupports the health and quality of life forpatients with dementia. In the context of Nativelife, the value of creativity using the arts goesback millennia with our Native Tribes, Nations,Villages, Pueblos in telling our stories orally,through petroglyphs, basketry, tools, songs,music, ceremony and more! The idea that whenwe are creating, we are connecting to Creatorin a humble beautiful way is a Tribal-basedpractice that continues to result in increasedprotective factors, meaningful connection,communal growth. WALA serves as a prevention program thatinstills life skills, social skills, coping skills, andcultural leadership skills through affirming theimportance creativity and engagement for ourNative youth, encouraging embracing of culture,belonging, and healing for all who participate. If you would like more information about We AreLiving Arts, please visit our website atwww.WeAreLivingArts.com or contact the TribalYouth Resource Center at TribalYouth@TLPI.orgAll photos provided by Jeri Brunoe withpermission to share.SourcesAmerican Psychiatry Association,https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/apa-blogs/creative-arts-enhancing-mental-health National Library of Health,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8397377/ 19'