b'The reality is that formal mental health services,although great, may not always be accessible oreven a right fit for people in Tribal communities. However, when we can surround our children Offering YMHFA for Tribalwith caring, responsible adults who have the Communities and Indigenousskills necessary to support a youth experiencing Peoples is vital in that ita mental, emotional challenge or crisis, we step recognizes and honors thecloser to fulfilling sacred roles and shared past, present and future. Thecommunal values of being good relatives. The course opens the door to thegoal of these Mental Health First Aid courses isto create a healthy dialogue to support the conversation of healing andmental and emotional wellness of our young intervention beyond thepeople and families. Onawana Miller, Citizen of parameters of a mainstreamthe Quechan Indian Tribe states, Offering perspective.YMHFA for Tribal Communities and IndigenousPeoples is vital in that it recognizes and honorsthe past, present and future. The course opens Onawana Miller, Citizen ofthe door to the conversation of healing and the Quechan Indian Tribeintervention beyond the parameters of amainstream perspective.To learn more about the impact of YMHFA forTribal Communities and Indigenous Peoples, visithttps://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/2023/10/ The Tribal Youth Resource Centermental-wellness-empowers-tribal-communities- has been working withEvergreenindigenous-peoples/ Training & Development, LLC andFor information about being certified to train with founder Cortney Yarholar,aYMHFA for Tribal Communities and Indigenous husband and father of two, enrolledPeoples, visit Youth MHFA for Tribal Communities member ofthe Sac & Fox Nation ofand Indigenous Peoples. Oklahoma, and Pawnee, Otoe &Mvskoke Creek descendant toprovide YMHFA training to TYRCstaff. Learn more about thetrainings offered by EvergreenTraining at MHFA | Evergreen orcontact the Tribal Youth ResourceCenter at TribalYouth@TLPI.org tolearn more.16'