b'We Are Living ArtsEmpowering Youth through ExpressionThe Creator is the original artistwho created us as sacred living Youth Programs and Juvenile Healing toarts on this earth. Wellness Courts to explore how arts can-Grandma contribute to empowering Native youth to findtheir voice and talents. If you would like tolearn more about the WALA program, pleasecontact your assigned training and technicalAs sacred beings, we are connected to who we assistance specialist.are when we are creating on this earth, allowingus to be our true, authentic selves. This is the What is WALA?inspiration for the We Are Living Arts (WALA)program: to help Native youth be their true, WALAs mission is to create, heal and inspireauthentic selves with purpose as sacred humans Indigenous and Alaskan Native Youth throughon this earth. Our cultures and cultural values positive peer to peer mentoring, culturalhave many ways of expressing themselves in the integration, and an exploration of the arts.arts, both traditionally and contemporarily. There are 3 major components: RISEUP,Telling our tribal stories and passing on ENVIRONMENT, and ART INSPIRED. RISEUPteachings through art modalities helps our youth focuses on the individual in the context ofheal, feel connected and able to share their group cooperation, alignment, and peer-to-voice, and inspires not only oneself but others. peer voice. Peer youth facilitators who arementored and trained in youth facilitation leadWALA launched June 2016, serving two Tribal the youth in small groups, building a sense ofcommunities: Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation belonging and safety in the circle whileand The Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria engaging in topics that are meaningful to(FIGR). Since then, the WALA program has youth. ENVIRONMENT engages the youth inexpanded to over thirty Tribes, Alaska Native their surroundings through activities (i.e. hiking,Villages, and Native youth organizations, and low ropes course, tribal gardens, otherhas developed a partnership with the Tribal experiences in the outdoors with topics thatYouth Resource Center at the Tribal Law and cover indigenous foods, environmentalPolicy Institute. This partnership has allowed restoration etc.). ART INSPIRED encouragesWALA to create virtual programs with both Tribalyouth to explore and express themselves 17'