b'through the use of a chosen art form:performing arts, visual arts, and literary arts(contemporary and cultural arts). WALAembraces professional Indigenous artist who willinspire and engage the youth in a project thatwill be shared with their community at the closeof the program. A Community StoryRecently, peer youth facilitators with TheFederated Indians of Graton Rancheria led Pictured Above: Dante Martinezsmall groups in a scavenger hunt through theRedwood Forest to locate plants, animals, andother living beings before they join their artist ultimately motivated me to become a youthsessions. The FIGR Tribal Temporary Assistance facilitator and give back to the communityfor Needy Families (TANF) embraced the 5-day which has given so much to me. Ive learnedWALA program while collaboratively delivering that by respecting and honoring our culture,the Gathering of Native Americans Curriculum. we can empower each other strengtheningSince WALA has been a part of their prevention our community to embrace our roots and buildsummer program, there has been an increase of a strong sense of belonging. Dante nowparticipation, engagement, and positive youth attends Santa Rosa Junior College with abehavior. Once graduated from FIGR Tribal major in Kinesiology. When not in classes, heTANF programming, youth return as WALA youth continues to serve his communities. Infacilitator(s) or as a Tribal TANF youth worker(s). addition to role as a peer youth facilitator inDante Martinez, an enrolled member of the this context, Dante is now also a youthFIGR was one of the first youth participants. facilitator in leadership at a national levelTuumi my name is Dante Martinez I have been with Jeri Brunoe Training & Consulting.a part of the Graton youth programs since I wasBuilding Belonging through Artyoung and have been a youth facilitator for 7years. These camps have helped me get in According to the American Psychiatrytouch with my Native culture by organizing Association, creative arts enhance mentalcultural activities, inviting Native elders or health and well-being. Many health care andcommunity members to share their knowledge, mental wellness organizations are increasingand incorporating traditional teachings into the their research specific to the arts andprograms. The WALA program has helped me creativity, as a result of the clear, positiveunderstand how rich our native culture and impact it on patients, elderly, children andtraditions are. These teachings have inspired me youth. and shaped my perspective on life and18'