b"What feelings does your generation haveon gender/sexual identity? What does LGBTQIA2S+ stand for?What do these words mean? All of the panelists agreed that youngergenerations have a more open-minded Lesbian: A woman who is emotionally, romantically orapproach to varying gender and sexual sexually attracted to other women. identities than previous generations. Ourgeneration is based on being comfortable, Gay: A person who is emotionally, romantically orbeing yourself, loving the people you want sexually attracted to members of the same gender. to love, Heath said. Both Kennedy andMisty agreed, and Misty added that our Bisexual: A person emotionally, romantically or sexuallygrandparents and parents didnt have the attracted to more than one gender (often interchangeableoption the way we do to be socially with Pansexual).accepted by family and friends. This ideawas further explored in the next question. Transgender: People whose gender identity and/orexpression is different from cultural expectations basedon the sex they were assigned at birthTo read or listen to more first-person stories from Queer: A term people often use to express a spectrum ofNative LGBTQIA2S+ individuals, visit these identities and orientations that are counter to theresources: mainstream. Our Stories | Paths Remembered Intersex: People who are born with a variety of LGBT - Two Spirit - We R Native differences in their sex traits and reproductive anatomy.Lived Experience: Shea's Story - YouTube Five LGBTQ & two-spirit Native American people who Asexual: Asexual (or Ace) refers to a complete orare making the world a better placeLGBTQ Nationpartial lack of sexual attraction or lack of interest insexual activity with others. How do you feel older generations addresssexual and gender identity in your Two-Spirit: Two-Spirit is a term used to describe ancommunity?Indigenous person who embodies both masculine andfeminine qualities, often encompassing a spiritual andThe older generation didnt have the option gender identity outside the binary.[to come out], Misty reflected, as she +: A symbol used to recognize the many sexualrecounted a recent conversation she had with orientations and gender identities used by members ofan adult in her community. I had an adult the community (beyond LGBTQIA2S).come out to me and say, Im really thankfulthat your younger generation is becomingmore accepting because I couldnt tell this to Definitions adapted from What does it mean to identify as Two-Spirit? (pointofpride.org) and Glossary of TermsHuman Rightsmy parents and they passed away before I Campaign (hrc.org). It is important to note that the terms includedcould even tell them. Misty connected a fear here are not all-encompassing and do not reflect the entirety of theof discrimination and the stigmagender/sexuality spectrums.7"