b'Lack of current data on Native youth youth who are justice-involved/impactedwho are incarcerated in county, state, and how your OJJDP-funded program mightand federal facilities continues to be better serve those youth. The TYRC canthe principal barrier that Tribal Nations support your program, Tribe, and communityand communities face in their efforts to in building the capacity to provide preventiondevelop response and support plans and intervention services that can contributefor Native youth who are justice- to the decrease in the number of youthinvolved/impacted. impacted by the justice system in yourThe Indian Child Welfare Act does not Tribe/community in the future. Pleaserequire Tribal notification when a Tribal contact the TYRC if you have any questionsyouth is involved in a state or local or interest in the following programs:juvenile justice system. Thus, Tribesmay be unaware of Tribal youth 1. Working with Justice-Involved Youthinvolvement in a state or local juvenile Training (National Native Childrens Traumajustice system. Center) 2. Gathering of Native Americans for AdultsWe Dont Know What We Dont Know:& Youth (GONA) TrainingEight months ago, the TYRC launched a 3. Project Venture Resources data scan focusing on incarcerated Native 4. 7th Generation Mentoring Programyouth in the state of Minnesota. The Trainingpurpose of this data scan is to acquire a 5. We Are Living Arts (WALA) Training better understanding of the availability of 6. Indigenous Model of Restorativeaccess to quality, reliable data that can Practices Training yield a better composite snapshot on the 7. The Canoe Journey Resources incarceration of Tribal youth in federal, 8. Youth Culture Camps Resourcesstate, and Tribal detention facilities. The 9. Horse Healing Camp Resourcesdata will inform Tribes in Minnesota, Nativeorganizations, and Minnesota state Article by: Tribal Youth Resource Center Staffagencies on how to best partner andrespond to the pre, during, and post-release needs of Native youth who arejustice-involved/impacted to increase theirsuccessful return to family and community. We encourage every OJJDP Tribal YouthProgram and Youth Healing to WellnessCourt grantee to discuss with yourassigned TYRC training and technicalassistance provider what you know, dontknow, and what you would like to knowmoving forward about the needs of your14'