b'What We Know for Sure:Youth who are detained are less likel y tocom plete high school or findWhen we tap into our culture, we employment. find ancestral pathways to healing Worsened health out comes: Whenchildren are pulled from their com mu ni and power that cannot be denied. ties and thrust into the instabil i ty that- Veronica Very comes with tem po rary deten tion, theirhealth often suf fers as a con sequence Fall is the season that our people believe in ways that are both imme di ate lythat we let go of what is not serving us well, observable and long lasting.and plan for the next four seasons and for Dis pro por tion ate pun ish ment: For youngthe next seven generations. The Tribal peo ple who are African Ameri can, Latinx,Youth Resource Center (TYRC) is and Ameri can Indian, the like lihood ofcommitted to collaborating with you and detent ion is greater than for their whiteyour communities to envision and work coun ter parts, even when cont roll ing fortowards generating strategies that will the seriousness of offense and the priorresult in improved life outcomes and self- his to ry of the individual. fulfilling futures for Native youth who areLifet ime consequences: According tojustice-involved/impacted.research, young peo ple who areconf ined in detent ion cent ers whileA vison we embrace at the TYRC is: within deci sions on their cases are pend ingexpe ri ence more nega ive out comesthe next ten years, Native youth tincarceration facilities will be transformed than their coun terparts who are able tointo Native Youth Healing Centers, leading remain at home duri ng this time. Youthto the decimation of the school-to-prison who are detained are also more likel y topipeline that continues to escalate across see fur ther involve ment in the crim i nalIndian Country. As of 2021, Tribal youth jus tice syst em (such as future arrests)were 3.7 times as likely to be detained or than those who are not.A price paid by the whole communi committed in juvenile facilities as their ty:white peers, according to nationwide data Detain ing chil dren not only impacts theircollected in October 2021 and recently lives, but also comes at a high cost toreleased. This ratio is essentially their entire com mu ni ty. Tem porar i lyunchanged from 2011.con fin ing youth costs approxi matel y $1bill ion each year.13'