b'Sydney Matheson was one of four TYRCYoung Leaders in attendance, along with I loved hearing from the youthAnagali (Shace) Duncan (Keetoowah, themselves how they have learned toMuskogee Creek, Seneca), Isabella Fridia(Wichita, Kiowa, Caddo, Hunka Oglala live and not just survive!Lakota), and Sam Schimmel (KenaitzeIndian and Siberian Yupik Eskimo). The -Regional ParticipantTYRC Young Leaders contributedimmensely to the event; they designedand facilitated a session, TheImportance of Culture in UpliftingIndigenous Youth, served as panelists inA Discussion Panel on AuthenticallyPartnering with Indigenous Youth,offered words of wisdom duringopenings/closings, and supported withenergizer activities. Attendees deeply Brunoe and Stephanie Autumn, Director,appreciated their collective efforts, Tribal Youth Resource Center. Each sessionthoughtful reflections and suggestions, offered participants a unique, culturallyand openness. One attendee noted after grounded mentoring approach, resources tothe session, I loved hearing from the support implementation, and activities toyouth themselves how they have learned bring participants together through creativityto live and not just survive! The beauty and reflection. Illustrative of the hands-onand impact of this sentiment was approach of the sessions was one activitycelebrated during a performance of his during the 7th Generation Mentoring Model,song, Red Power, which Austin Owen when participants were asked to build theirshared with attendees to welcome them vision for a mentoring model with their tableback from lunch on day one. group, using materials such as Legos,The agenda also included three gummy bears, and pipe cleaners. The resultsimpactful presentations on mentoring of the activity included many highly creativeprograms proving effective with Native models, meaningful discussion, and a lot ofyouth: Friends of the Children Mentoring laughter. As Jordan Gibson, TYRC TrainingProgram, facilitated by Tasha Mousseau, and Technical Assistance Specialist sharedChief Officer of Advancement and Tribal in his blog post reflection on the event, ARelations at Friends of the Children, After Reflection on Mentoring and MentoringSchool Native Mentoring Program, Programs from the TYRC Midwest Regional,facilitated by Jeri Brunoe, Brunoe mentoring programs are about fosteringConsulting, and 7th Generation connections, sharing knowledge, andMentoring Model, facilitated by Jeri supporting each other as we navigate bothtraditional and modern challenges.19'