b'I know who I am as a personSexual & Gender Identity from theYouth are bringing us back to where we Tribal Youth Perspectivewere, Tasha R. Mousseau JD (Wichita andAffiliated Tribes, Kiowa, Caddo, and HunkaOglala Lakota) began, welcomingattendees to the June TYRC OnlineLearning Event, Tribal Youth Perspective:Sexual and Gender Identity in IndianCountry. Over the next 75 minutes, thethree panelists, Kennedy Fridia (she/her;Wichita, Kiowa, Caddo, Hunka OglalaLakota), Heath Red Owl (he/they; OglalaLakota), and Misty Sandoval (she/her; Dineand Seminole) shared stories, reflections,and wisdom connected to theirexperiences as LGBTQIA2S+ (lesbian, gay,bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, can more effectively support theirasexual, Two-Spirit)-identifying youth. LGBTQIA2S+ youth. While excerpts of theirresponses are included in this article, weFollowing a beautiful opening from TYRC invite you to view the PPT and watch theYoung Leader Isabella Fridia (Wichita, recording of the full session.Kiowa, Caddo, Hunka Oglala Lakota), Tashashared a brief history of how colonization What is your experience in sharing yourcontinues to shape perceptions of authentic self with family and community? LGBTQIA2S+ identities within Tribalcommunities. Once LGBTQIA folks With regards to their individual stories ofbecame marginalized, we removed this coming out, or expressing elements of theirstrength and this resource that existed sexual and/or gender identity with others,always in our Tribal communities, she experiences varied across the threeexplained. In order to be stronger, healthier panelists. While Kennedy noted that she feltcommunities that thrive into the future [we immediately accepted by her family and herhave to] uplift this love that can be shared moms, who also identify as part of theacross gender lines.LGBTQIA2S+ community, Misty shared thather experience was more challenging, as sheKennedy, Misty, and Heath each took turns felt she unaccepted for something beyondanswering a series of questions about their her control. For Heath, the experience ofsexual and gender identity, experiences sharing this part of himself revealed theexpressing their authentic selves, and importance of surrounding yourself with thesuggestions for how Tribes and programsright group. 6'