b"The resources and approaches from the The walk provided folks the opportunitymentor programs we discussed reinforce to connect across Tribes and programs,the idea that mentoring is a powerful tool while honoring and showing respect tofor shaping the future while honoring our the Dakota people. past. Another presentation, PromotingTrust and Respect for Our Youth: The The final day of the event was centeredTYRC Inherited Magazine, facilitated by on Indigenous Community Cafs, givingTYRC Consultant Joe CrowShoe and attendees the opportunity to discussTYRC Events and Communications topics such as academic success, culturalCoordinator Hannah Ellman on learnings integration, serving our most vulnerablefrom a new TYRC publication, youth, and behavioral health/healingemphasized this very conceptthe pathways. Attendees came together inpositive impact of incorporating youth two groups to share collective wisdom onvoice through connection-building into all these topics, offer support, and learn fromphases of program planning and one another in community. The eventimplementation. closed with all attendees joined togetherin a circle for three beautiful songs fromIntegral to the success of the event was the Bdote Singers, an Ojibwe and Dakotathe presence and participation of four Drum Group, and closing words fromOJJDP staff across sessions, Juanita G Corbine Espinosa, Wisdomconversations, and activities, and Keeper (Dakota, Spirit Lake). presentations from Leanetta Jessie The Tribal Youth Resource Center is(Deputy Associate Administrator) and deeply grateful to have had theJazmone Wilkerson (Program Manager), opportunity to share space with allYouth Justice and System Innovation attendees of the event, a group ofDivision. Leanetta and Jazmone offered inspiring individuals who are committedattendees the opportunity to join in a to serving their communities withtransparent conversation around effective, culturally grounded ways.Performance Measures, resulting in Thank you to all participants, facilitators,meaningful and supportive discussion for staff, vendors, artists, and leaders for yourall. Leanetta and Jazmone also joined time, wisdom, and helpful feedback. Weparticipants and TYRC staff on a visit to look forward to the next time we can allthe Dakota sacred site, Bdote, at the end come together in service of our youth!of the first day. Mat Pendleton (Dakota -Cansayapi/Lower Sioux Indian Article by: Tribal Youth Resource Center staff. Community) provided tobacco to A special thank you to Zachariah Booth (Kanakaparticipants for an offering and shared the Maoli) from 'ike Maka photography for sharinghistory of Bdote. Led by Mat, 19 your talents with us as the event photographer andindividuals who joined the excursion for many of the beautiful photographs thatwalked together to the sacred site.accompany this piece!20"