b'From the National Native Childrens Trauma Center:LGBTQIA2S+ Care is Trauma-Informed CareSometimes we hear organizations say, we have done a lot to become a trauma-informedorganization, but we havent done much in this area. When this happens, it creates adisconnect in what we mean when we say trauma-informed care. It then causes us to upliftcertain types of traumas and diminish and oppress or ignore other types of traumaticexperiences. It also causes us to better serve individuals whose identities are the normthan those with historically excluded identities.Since diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts have become more widespread, people haveadvocated for centralizing affirming sexual and gender identity in trauma-informed care. Ithas become even more synonymous. You cant have one without the other. This isespecially true for youth with intersecting identities like those who identify as AmericanIndian and Alaska Native and LGBTQIA2S+ in some way.It may feel unsafe for youth to feel comfortable disclosing to us their identities for fear ofhow we might react or respond to them. Even if we may not have anyone openlyidentifying, we should continue to consider that it doesnt mean they arent in our care. Theymay wonder things like, if I disclose this, will I be accepted here? or even worse, if Idisclose this, will I be harmed again? We can help to provide comfort to these thoughts bycreating spaces that are physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and culturallysafe for those from diverse identities. We can also remember to define safety from theirperspectives and not just ours.It is refreshing to see this topic and resources of this newsletter further centralize theimportance of intentionally centralizing this issue in trauma-informed care.-Dr. Maegan Rides At The Door, Director, National Native Childrens Trauma Center The National Native Childrens Trauma Center would like to highlight LGBTQ+ Trauma-informed Care | SAMHSA and LGBTQI and Two-Spirit PeopleThe Resource Basket astools to support our work for and with LGBTQIA+ and Two-Spirit youth. We invite youto explore the resources linked in this piece as well and to reach out to your TTASpecialist with TA needs around trauma-informed, gender and sexuality-affirming care. 11'