b'An Update & Welcome from the Tribal Youth ResourceGreetings Relatives, For the past six years, the TribalYouth Resource Center team atthe Tribal Law and Policy Institutehas been honored to have servedas the training and technicalassistance center for Tribal YouthPrograms and Youth Healing toWellness Courts, funded by theOffice of Juvenile Justice andDelinquency Prevention.Late in the afternoon on the fall equinox, we received official notice that theTribal Youth Resource Center will continue to serve in this capacity for the nextfour years. We are deeply grateful and humbled to have received the gift ofcontinued relationship with each of you to work alongside of you, to learnfrom your wisdom, to lift up your voice, and to contribute to your programs asyou serve the youth and families in your communities. We believe that it was nocoincidence that we received word of the cooperative agreement award on thefall equinox. As a team, we will be guided by the teachings that our people andcommunities have embraced for generations with this change of seasons, torelease what no longer serves us well and embrace the importance of givingback, and we will strive to work with the rooted values of compassion,responsibility, courage, generosity, commitment, and love for the mostvulnerable in our communitiesLGBTQIA2S+*, justice-involved/impacted, &unsheltered Native youth.Respectfully,The Tribal Youth Resource Center*Note that LGBTQIA2S+ is defined and further explored in the article beginning on page 6.2'