b'December 13th, 2022 is a day of deep significance for many, individually and collectively. Prior to 2020 we gathered in person regularly.Grantees, training and technical assistance providers, and OJJDP staff came together for a number of reasons such as working on strategic planning, orienting to the require-ments of new grant awards, or gathering to share successes and strategies for serving youth in innovative ways through the biennial Tribal Youth Conference.The road traveled between the fall of 2019 and the fall of 2022 was impacted by a worldwide pandemic that forever changed how we work, how we live, and how we navigate through sickness, loss and grief in the devastation of COVID-19. We recognize and share with you acknowledge-ment of the challenges and losses, and new possibilities, that have been and continue to be inherent in this time.The vision for co-locating the OJJDP Tribal Youth Conference and the State Tribal Relations Assistance Division National Training Conference was born in the fall of 2019. The vision came from a deep desire and commitment to respond to the historical need to ensure inclusion of decision making of those most impacted by the justice system, lift up the voices of those seldom heard, expand critical discourse, collaboration, resources, and to continue to build and strengthen authentic, honorable, and respectful relationships between Federal & State Justice Systems and Tribal Nations. December 13th is a day of deep significance as there are over 400 individ-uals registered for the OJJDP Tribal Youth National Conference and the State and Tribal Relations Assistance Division National Training Conferenceeach person attending the conferences represents courage, faith, and hope. Each person attending the conferences has stories, experiences, ideas, expertise, and resources to contribute to Imagining a New Future that will guarantee that someday very soon there will be justice, equity, healing, and empowerment for the youth and communities we love and serve. Thank you,The Tribal Youth Conference Planning Committee9'