b'Moderator: Stephanie Autumn Director, Tribal Youth Resource CenterPanel Description: This panel will include representatives of OJJDP-funded Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts and Tribal Youth Programs that work to provide alterna-tives to incarceration for youth involved in the justice sys-tem, as well as staff from the Tribal Youth Resource Center who have extensive experience in the field. The panel will discuss innovative approaches that are culturally-based, trauma-informed, and multi-disciplinary. Representatives will also share challenges that their programs have faced and highlight effective, practical strategies that they have successfully implemented to address those challenges.Breakout Session E2 E2All Rise: Healing to Wellness in Tribal CourtsHarborside Presenters: Chief Judge Lawrence King Morongo Band of Indians, CAJudge Sherrie Harris San Carlos Apache Tribe, AZPat Sekaquaptewa Hopi, Justice, Hopi Appellate Court, Affiliated Assistant Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Department of Alaska Native Studies & Rural Development (UAF DANSRD)Moderator: Jacob Metoxen Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court Training and Technical Assistance Manager, Tribal Youth Resource Center Session Description: This session will feature Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court judges and their role facilitating the Courts operation. Discussion will include planning court operations to incorporate wellness court services, participation in case management, making connections among the multi-disciplinary team, and building rela-tionships with county/state courts. The panelists will also discuss what Healing to Wellness means to them as well as how their legal journey led them to rule in a Juvenile Healing to Wellness court setting.Breakout Session E3 E3: Innovation, Tribal Traditions, and Indigenous Embarcadero Environmental Protection Strategies Presenters: Thor Peterson Youth Program Staff, Pueblo of Acoma, New Mexico30 Dolores Winn Program Coordinator, Tribal Youth'