b'influxofmethamphetamineandheroinuse, committed to the mission of this courts desireandnoservicesareyetavailableforyouth. to find people who truly care about the workPlacementforrehabilitationisoftenfar andtheyouth.Heismostthankfulthatthisremoved from the community and families are programwillbesustainedaspartoftheoften reluctant to have their children placed so ChildrensCode,andhehashighhopesthatfar away when it is hard for them to travel to thisprogramanditscommunityimpactwillstay in regular contact with them, so they often continue to grow and expand.will opt out of placement options. In responseto these and other challenges, Quapaw Nation Julio noted that if he had a Magic Wand, heisbuildingalternative,at-homesupportsfor would have asked for a smoother start for theyouth that help them connect and feel valued program overall and to be present at the outsetwithin their community. of the program. While Julio recognizes that thismayhaveallowedmorerobustplanstoberealized,giventhecircumstances,heremainsGems and Opportunities proudoftheprogramsgrowthandpositiveimpact on the community. Quapaw Nation has invested in their educationdepartmentand,asaresult,more What Julio has learned from his position in hisopportunitiesfortheyoutharebecoming time working as the Juvenile Case Manager isavailableforsupportinareasofcareer toappreciatewhathehas.Ingoingintocounseling,tutoring,andscholarships. homesthatsometimeshavenoelectricityorQuapawCourtstaffremaincommittedto running water, I can have a better appreciationbeingonthescenebyattendingschool of what our juveniles and their families [face]events,liketherecentBacktoSchoolBash eachday.Juliosfinalwordsencompassthewhere different organizations set up booths to heartandhopeofthewarriorswhoholdtheshowsupportforthestudentsreturningto front line each day in our JHWC systems: Whatschool.ThereisalsoaNativeAmerican you grow up with is not what will always be.Footballgameheldeachyear,whichtheQuapaw Tribal Court supports, attending andsettingupaboothwithprizes,information,andschoolsupportsuppliesforthestudents. For more information about the QuapawThroughtheseevents,staffinteractwiththe Tribal Court or to connect with Julio,youth,parentsandcommunityoutsideofthe please emailcourtandinanenvironmentwhichmanyof julio.delossantos@quapawnation.com. them appreciate. Hopes Here OnIf I Had a Magic WandJulios hope is the next candidate to step intothe role of Juvenile Case Manager is as'