Keynote Day 1: Isabel Coronado
Presenter: Isabel Coronado, Ambassador, Center for Native American YouthPresentation
G4: Paving a Way to Partnerships: A Road Map to Cultivating, Engaging, and Retaining Native Youth Leadership
The panel will present varying perspectives on pathways to success for youth programming especially within the juvenile justice sphere. Partnering with those who have lived experience requires vulnerability, reflection, and intentionality. Their input will inform how justice systems can more morePresentation
G3: Prevention & Intervention Strategies in Working with Native Gang-Involved Youth
Native youth gangs have increased dramatically over the past 20 years, bringing an increase of crime and posed dangerous health and safety challenges for youth, families, and Native communities in general. This session will provide an overview of promising gang morePresentation
G2: A Cross-Comparison of Juvenile Drug Courts and Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts
This session will provide a cross-comparison of active juvenile drug courts and juvenile healing to wellness courts. Presenters will share both similarities and differences that make each court unique, including policies and procedures, intake/assessment, case management, and funding sources. Attendees morePresentation
G1: A Silent Epidemic: The Impact of Sexual Violence & Sex and Human Trafficking Against Boys & Men
Often, men are the neglected victims of all forms of sexual violence including being abused as boys. The presenter will discuss the impact of sexual abuse and violence against men and boys and provide resources and information on sex and morePresentation
F4: National Native Children’s Trauma Center (NNCTC) – Session 4: Trauma and Staff Wellness
This session is about the impact of trauma on staff wellness. Participants will look at how to practice staff wellness in a stressful work environment. The toll that working with traumatized youth can take on staff and the organization as morePresentation
F3: Promoting, Evaluating, and Sustaining Tribal Best Practices
Session Description: Native people have been conducting and implementing a variety of practices to reduce risk factors for behavioral problems and health problems for hundreds of years, and these practices have been shown to be effective within their own communities. morePresentation
F2: Developing Collaborative Education Partnerships with Schools and Others to Support the Work of the Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts
Session Description: This session will provide examples of how Tribal Youth Programs and Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts can collaborate with educators and education departments to build relationships that can support increased opportunities and engagement that will contribute to academic morePresentation
F1: Building Common Ground: Conflict Resolution Through an Indigenous Lens
Session Description: A successful program for Tribal youth must consider that conflicts will be a part of any effort to initiate and agree on project priorities, goals, strategies, resource allocation, roles and responsibilities. Thus, conflict resolution skills are essential for morePresentation
E4: National Native Children’s Trauma Center (NNCTC) – Session 3: Trauma in Context and Coping
Session Description: This session provides an overview of the familial and societal context that leads to Tribal youth’s coping behavior when dealing with trauma. Participants will better understand the behaviors that Tribal youth develop to survive traumatic events, and what morePresentation
E3: Innovation, Tribal Traditions, and Indigenous Environmental Protection Strategies
Session Description: The Tech Boom of the 1990s and 2000s brought an economic demand to the forefront that required national education policy makers, leaders, and organizations across the country to build programs that provide expanded opportunities for youth to advance morePresentation
E2: All Rise: Healing to Wellness in Tribal Courts
Session Description: This session will feature Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court judges and their role facilitating the Court’s operation. Discussion will include planning court operations to incorporate wellness court services, participation in case management, making connections among the multi-disciplinary team, morePresentation