E1: Alternatives to Incarceration: Innovative Approaches, Strategies to Address Challenges
Panel Description: This panel will include representatives of OJJDP-funded Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts and Tribal Youth Programs that work to provide alternatives to incarceration for youth involved in the justice system, as well as staff from the Tribal Youth ...read morePresentation
D4: Reintegration Approaches with Youth Involved in the Justice System
Session Description: Native youth involved in the justice system face multiple issues upon returning to school, family, and the Tribal communities and non-Tribal communities they return to post incarceration. This presentation will share information on diverse reintegration approaches, utilizing cultural ...read morePresentation
D3: Supporting Youth Involved in the Justice System Through a Harm Reduction Model
Session Description: Harm reduction is an important part of a comprehensive approach to addressing substance use disorders through prevention, treatment, and recovery, where individuals who use substances set their own goals. Harm reduction programs incorporate a spectrum of strategies that ...read morePresentation
D2: Whittling the Circle from a Square Peg: How Translating Cultural Tools Bridge to Program Evaluation
Session Description: Indigenous peoples have long been skilled observers of the natural environment and the behavior of their relatives (two-legged, four-legged, winged nation, plant nation). Assessment, reflection, problem solving, and quality improvement practices are only a few evaluation examples our ...read morePresentation
D1: Resiliency Through Advocacy: Impact of Climate Change on Community Health and Well-Being
Session Description: This session explores the impacts of climate change on community health and well-being. Youth presenters will speak on how changes in the climate impact the options available to youth in Native communities, the resultant impacts on community health, ...read morePresentation
C4: National Native Children’s Trauma Center (NNCTC) – Session 2: Trauma’s Impact on Development
Session Description: This session focuses on the impact of trauma on how Tribal youth grow up and who they grow up to be, especially the impact that multiple traumatic experiences can have on achieving important developmental tasks and competencies. Participants ...read morePresentation
C3: Transforming Justice Systems: Indigenous Model of Restorative Practices
Session Description: The Indigenous model of restorative practices is astrength-based approach that fosters stronger human relationships with each other within the constructs of our families, community, and educational, human services, and justice systems settings. Restorative Practices is based on Indigenous ...read morePresentation
C2: Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP) – Resource Basket: Supporting the Effective Operation of Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts in Alaska
Session Description: Alaska's deeply held values contribute to the development of youth-serving programs, including juvenile healing to wellness courts. As courts implement and enhance their programs, the values and principles become increasingly important to the development of effective operations. This ...read morePresentation
C1: Often Forgotten & Underserved Population: Voices of Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Youth Panel
Panel Description: For a Native youth whose gender or sexuality is non-conforming, the reality is that they may experience multiple layers of prejudice and oppression and may encounter more obstacles in developing a strong sense of identity and belonging. National, ...read morePresentation
B4: National Native Children’s Trauma Center (NNCTC) – Session 1: Trauma and Justice Involvement
Session Description: Participants will learn how exposure to trauma and historical trauma can affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of Tribal youth in the juvenile justice system. The aim is to understand the key terms of trauma, resilience, and recovery ...read morePresentation
B3: Youth Perspectives on Substance Abuse and Self Harm
Session Description: Developed collaboratively by the Tribal Youth Resource Center Youth Ambassadors, this session explores youth substance abuse and self-harm awareness from a Native youth perspective. The presenters share their perspectives and experiences as young people on how leaders and ...read morePresentation
B2: Best Practices in Conducting a Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court Hearing
Session Description: This session will feature a mock intake as well as a Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court hearing where the presenters create a script that addresses some common issues that the Tribal Youth Resource Center has helped address via ...read morePresentation