Changing the Story
Elyssa Sierra Concha, a young woman of Lakota, Ojibwa, and Taos Pueblo heritage, reminds us in her poignant TED talk that Native Youth are more than just statistics. She acknowledges the daunting numbers: poor graduation rates, crippling addiction, sexual assault, and suicide.
“Do not let them define you…” Concha says. “Change the story.”
Indeed, storytelling is a rich and integral part of Native culture, and Concha’s own story reflects both tragedy and triumph. She has risen above negative statistics and prejudice and eloquently relates that she owes her healing to reconnecting to her culture and her people.
We acknowledge how critical those connections are, which is why, in support of our grantees who develop their communities’ Tribal Youth Programs, we strive to honor Native culture along with individual needs to foster communities where Indigenous youth can thrive.
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention provides funds directly to American Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages to develop programs that prevent and control juvenile delinquency, reduce violent crime, and improve tribal juvenile justice systems. These grants are awarded in five different categories:
- Prevention services to impact risk factors for delinquency
- Interventions for court-involved youth
- Improvements to the juvenile justice system
- Alcohol and substance abuse prevention programs
- Mental health program services
We can support you with a wide variety of Training and Technical Assistance including:
- Strategic Planning and Resource Mapping
- Community Strengths and Needs Assessments
- Gathering of Native Americans (GONA) Facilitation
- Youth Ambassadors-Input and Facilitation of Youth Engaged Learning Opportunities
- Program Development and Enhancement
- Assistance with Cultural Adaptation of Tools and Resources
- Trauma Informed and Healing-Centered Training
- Integration of Restorative Practices into Youth Serving Agencies
- Juvenile Reentry Best Practices
- Training to Support Youth Cultural Arts Prevention Activities and Youth-Peer Learning Strategies
- Resource identification to Support the Prevention and Intervention of Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking of Native Youth
What’s Your Story?
Imagine what wellness for Indigenous youth would like in your community. What might the future hold? How could their stories change in order to empower and enrich their lives and the lives of their communities?
Ready to take the next step? Submit a Training and Technical Assistance request.