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Promoting Trust and Respect for Our Youth

In this session, TYRC Consultant, Joe CrowShoe, and TYRC Events and Communications Coordinator, Hannah Ellman, will offer learnings from a new Tribal Youth Resource Center project and publication, the TYRC Inherited Magazine, with the goal of uplifting and amplifying Indigenous youth voice. The publication, set for release by the end of 2024, will share the stories and reflections of Young Leaders, and insights from youth program staff and Juvenile Healing to Wellness court staff using creative approaches to involve youth at every step of program planning and implementation. This session will provide attendees the opportunity to engage with the TYRC Inherited Magazine material, assess their program’s current strategies for engaging youth voice, provide opportunity for self-reflection on the topic of trusting youth voice, and engage in conversation, relationship-building, and peer-learning across communities

    Media Type: PDF Presentation

    Resource Files:

    Presenter Name:

    Joe CrowShoe, Consultant, Tribal Youth Resource Center Hannah Ellman, Events and Communications Coordinator, Tribal Youth Resource Center

    Resource Date of Presentation:

    August 14, 2024