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B1: Alaska Villages/Communities Panel: Priorities, Innovative Approaches, Challenges, Strategies to Address Justice System Disparities

Panel Description: Alaska is home to 229 of the 574 federally recognized Tribes in the United States, and has a variety of cultures, languages, and histories, as well as unique challenges. This panel will include Alaska Native programs from a variety of regions who can speak to Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) priorities and Alaska-Native specific considerations in advancing health and wellness for Alaska Native youth and communities.


  • Anthony Gastelum, Tribal Youth Program Coordinator, Organized Village of Kake, AK
  • Miguel Contreras, Tribal Youth Program Coordinator, Hoonah Indian Association, AK
  • Patricia Young, Tetlin Grant Manager, Native Village of Tetlin, AK
  • Maggie Miller, Tribal Youth Program Coordinator, Kawerak, AK


  • Iva Karoly-Lister, Wellness Coordinator, Resource Basket
  • Geroma Void, Program Manager, Youth Justice and System Innovation, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Media Type: Presentation
Issue Area: Community Development Community Engagement Juvenile Justice Strategic Planning

Resource Files:

Resource Date of Presentation:

December 14, 2022