The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has announced new funding availability related to opioid affected youth. Sites will be funded to develop a data-driven coordinated response to identify and address challenges resulting from opioid abuse that are impacting youth and community safety. Sites will work with OJJDP and a technical assistance provider to develop data collection tools that will inform startegies and programs to be implemeted by the sites to address specific challenges resulting from the opioid epidemic. Data-driven strategies and programs will (1) develop a multidisciiplinary task force with working groups to identify specific areas of concern; (2) collect and interpret data that will assist the task force in developing strategies and programming that will be used to better coordinate response efforts and resources; and (3) implement services that will address public safety concerns, intervention, prevention, and diversion servces for children, youth, and families directly impacted by opioid abuse.
Applications are due by May 7, 2019. To learn more about funding and to review the application process click here.