2022 OJJDP Tribal Youth National Conference – Session Materials

A1: Alternatives to Incarceration: Tribal-State Collaboration Panel
A2: Increasing Community Involvement in the Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts
A3: Winnebago Tribe Crisis Intervention Response Model
A4: National Native Children’s Trauma Center Information Session
Keynote Day 1: Isabel Coronado
B1: Alaska Villages/Communities Panel: Priorities, Innovative Approaches, Challenges, Strategies to Address Justice System Disparities
B2: Best Practices in Conducting a Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court Hearing
B3: Youth Perspectives on Substance Abuse and Self Harm
B4: National Native Children’s Trauma Center (NNCTC) – Session 1: Trauma and Justice Involvement
C2: Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP) – Resource Basket: Supporting the Effective Operation of Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts in Alaska
C3: Transforming Justice Systems: Indigenous Model of Restorative Practices
C4: National Native Children’s Trauma Center (NNCTC) – Session 2: Trauma’s Impact on Development
D1: Resiliency Through Advocacy: Impact of Climate Change on Community Health and Well-Being
D2: Whittling the Circle from a Square Peg: How Translating Cultural Tools Bridge to Program Evaluation
D3: Supporting Youth Involved in the Justice System Through a Harm Reduction Model
D4: Reintegration Approaches with Youth Involved in the Justice System
Keynote Day 2 – Missy Whiteman & Reuben Crow Feather
E1: Alternatives to Incarceration: Innovative Approaches, Strategies to Address Challenges
E2: All Rise: Healing to Wellness in Tribal Courts
E3: Innovation, Tribal Traditions, and Indigenous Environmental Protection Strategies
E4: National Native Children’s Trauma Center (NNCTC) – Session 3: Trauma in Context and Coping
F1: Building Common Ground: Conflict Resolution Through an Indigenous Lens
F2: Developing Collaborative Education Partnerships with Schools and Others to Support the Work of the Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts
F3: Promoting, Evaluating, and Sustaining Tribal Best Practices
F4: National Native Children’s Trauma Center (NNCTC) – Session 4: Trauma and Staff Wellness
G1: A Silent Epidemic: The Impact of Sexual Violence & Sex and Human Trafficking Against Boys & Men
G2: A Cross-Comparison of Juvenile Drug Courts and Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts
G3: Prevention & Intervention Strategies in Working with Native Gang-Involved Youth
G4: Paving a Way to Partnerships: A Road Map to Cultivating, Engaging, and Retaining Native Youth Leadership
Keynote Day 3 – Pat Sekaquaptewa